S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Effect of Spent Wash on Soil Properties And Plant Nutrient Composition at Various Distances From The Effluent Stream M Sreekanth Reddy, A Madhavi and K Sreenivasulu Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Effect of Different Levels of Gypsum and Pressmud cake on Drymatter Production, Yield and Uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in groundnut A Revathi, C Mastan Reddy and M V S Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Effect of Balanced Nutrition on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Soil Fertility of Maize (Zea mays) in an Inceptisol of Tamil Nadu M Paramasivan, P Malarvizhi and S Thiyageswari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Effect of Dairy Factory Effluent on Available Macronutrients in Soils of Pearlmillet and Greengram Crops G Sashi Kala, K Sreenivasulu Reddy and M V S Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 T Sandeep Kumar, D Mohan Reddy and K Hariprasad Reddy Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, S V Agricultural College, Tirupati N Vinay Kumar, G Roopa Lavanya and Sanjeev Kumar Singh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Gene Action Studies for Yield and Yield Components in Maize (Zea mays L.) T Sandeep Kumar, D Mohan Reddy and K Hariprasad Reddy Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, S V Agricultural College, Tirupati Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Variability and Genetic Parameters for Grain Quality Attributes in Elite Rice Genotypes N Sampath Kumar, M Reddi Sekhar, D Mohan Reddy, N P Eswara Reddy and P Venkata Subbaiah Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Estimates of Genetic Parameters for Morphological, Yield and Yield Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) K John, P Raghava Reddy, P Hariprasad Reddy, P Sudhakar and N P Eswar Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Correlation of Quantitative And Qualitative Characters With Yield in Medium And Long Duration Genotypes of Rice Tushara M, Satyanarayana Rao V, Lal Ahamed M, Krishna Veni B and Narasimha Rao K L Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Multivariate Analysis in Pigeonpea {Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.} Advanced Lines S Venkata Naresh, B Govinda Rao, M Lal Ahmad and K L Narasimha Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Response of Popcorn to Different Planting Patterns, Nutrient levels and Nitrogen Application D Lakshmi Kalyani and D Srinivasulu Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Production Potential and Economics of Different Crops in Rice Fallows Under No Til Condition in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh M Malla Reddy, B Padmaja and D Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india