The Andhra Agricultural Journal allows flexible organizations of articles. However, contents in most articles are in the following orders:
Author affiliation
Material and methods
Results and Discussion
Acknowledgements (If any)
All the manuscripts of the research paper should be in English with double space on A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margins all around. The manuscript should contain (1) a short and clear title with initial capital letters for each word, (2) names (e-mail Address of the corresponding author) and addresses or affiliations of the authors (3) a brief and informative abstract of about 200 words followed by key words.
Introduction should include a brief review of previous literature and objectives. The methodology should clearly specify the year(s) of study, area/ laboratory where the experimental work was conducted and the procedure(s) followed. Results and Discussion should be clear, crisp and supported by the data. All the weights and measures should be in Metric system. The illustrations should be clear. Drawings should be laser printed with deep black monochromatic color on white background with title and legends neatly typed on it. Photostat copies of illustrations are not accepted because of poor reproduction in print.
References cited in text should contain the chronological year and should be invariably listed under Literature Cited. Each reference mentioned under Literature Cited should contain the name(s) of the authors(s) (bold), the year of publication (bold), the title of the paper, the name of the Journal/periodical/book in full (italics) without using abbreviations, volume number and page range of the Journal/Publishers of the book as given below. Please confine the total number of references around 10 to 15. The papers may be confined to less than 10 pages (approximately 3500 words) including tables, figures, illustrations etc.
1. Journal
Singh D S, Sircar P, Saxena P N and Dingra S 1983 Comparative toxicity of pyrethroids to Achaea janata Linn. Indian Journal of Entomoloty, 45: 390-395
2. Thesis
Vijayalakshmi K 1994 Transmission and ecology of Thrips palmi Karny the vector of peanut bund necrosis virus. Ph D Thesis, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, A.P.
3. Text Book
Finney D J 1971 Probit Analysis. 3rd ed.,Cambridge University Press, London, 333 pp.
4. Part of a Text Book
Metcalf R L 1975 Insecticides in Pest Management. In: Introduction to Insect Pest Management (eds., Metcalf, R.L. and Luckmann, W.H.). John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA. Pp 235-273.
5. Symposium/ Seminar
Srinivasa Rao M, Dharma Reddy K and Singh T V K 2002 Role of bird predation in IPM in Pigeonpea. Proceedings of the National Symposium in Avion Biodiversity, Feb. 7-8, 2002. Society for Applied Ornithology, Hyderabad. A. P.
The papers should be prepared by taking maximum care avoiding typographical and other errors. Research articles which are not in line with the above guidelines shall be rejected. The Editorial Board does not take any responsibility for the opinion(s) expressed by the author(s).