S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Growth and Yield of Fingermillet [Eleusine coracana (L.)] as Influenced by Phosphorus Management Practices S Kiran Kumar, Ch Pulla Rao , M Sree Rekha and P Ratna Prasad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Impact of Weather on the Yield and Stability of Rice Genotypes Under South West Monsoon Conditions K Parimala, V R K Murthy, I Swarnalatha Devi and P Venkata Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Effect of Micro-Weather Health Indices on Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Semi-arid Conditions of Andhra Pradesh V R K Murthy, P Venkata Rao, K Kanaka Durga and Jyotibasu B Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Response of Sunflower Hybrid APSH 66 to Sulphur and Borax Under Varying Environments in Semi Arid Conditions K Kanaka Durga, V R K Murthy, N V Naidu and R Ankaiah Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Effect of Plant Density and Fertilizer levels on Productivity and Economics of Popcorn (Zea mays everta) in Kharif Season B Jyothi Basu, Y R Jadhav and S V Patil Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Studies on the Effect of Plant Density, Type of Cutting and Method of Planting on Root Yield of Medicinal Coleus [Coleus forskohlii (willd) Briq.] Ch Chandrasekhar Rao, R Chandrasekhar and M Rajkumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Soil physical and Physico- Chemical Properties as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management Practices in Maize-Maize Cropping System A V Nagavani and P Subbian Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Response of Maize to Different Levels of Nitrogen under Zero-till Conditions after Rice N V Lakshmi, R Veera Raghavaiah and G Subbaiah Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Response of Aerobic Rice to Sub Surface Drip Fertigation V Prasada Rao, B Venkateswarlu, A S Rao, Balkrishna Yadav, K L N Rao and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Land Resource Information for Sustainable Agriculture Development in Andhra Pradesh Dr L G K Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india