S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Heritability Studies in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucam (L.) R. Br) for Grain Yield and other Agronomic Traits NAnuradha,TS SKPatro,YSandhyaRani,UTriveni, PKranthi Priya,VikasKhandelwal andCTara Satyavathi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Performance of Groundnut Genotypes (Arachis hypogaea L.) for Yield and Yield Attributing Characters Suitable for Rainfed Tracts of Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh P Haritha, LRajesh Chowdary, B Pramila Rani andAMounica Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Genetic Variability Studies for Yield and Nutritional Quality Traits in Greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] S P Lakshmi Priyanka, N Hari Satyanarayana, J Sateesh Babu and D Ramesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
4 Evaluation of Experimental Hybrids for Yield and Yield Component Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Dungu Vasudeva Reddy, Y Suneetha, B N V S R Ravi Kumar and D Ramesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
5 Genetic Variability Studies for Yield, Nutritional and Cooking Quality Characters in Coloured Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Billa Satish Chandra, T Haritha, B Krishnaveni, M Swapna and M Tushara Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
6 Studies on Genetic Variability in Gall midge Resistant Genotypes for Yield and its Components in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) U Likhita, K Madhu Kumar, T Haritha and P Uday Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
7 Assessment of Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Quantitative Characters in Finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn] Germplasm P Kranthi Priya, N Anuradha, K N Ganapathy, T S S K Patro, P Rajendra Kumar and D Ramesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
8 Gene Action Studies on Growth and Yield Attributing Traits in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) D Srikanth, L Naram Naidu, C Venkata Ramana, R V S K Reddy, A Rajani, D Ratna Babu and K Umakrishna Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
9 Mean Performance of Parents and Hybrids for Fruit Yield and Quality attributing Characters in Yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. ssp. Sesquipedalis Verdc.) N Ratnakumari, L Naram Naidu, R V S K Reddy, T S K K Kiran Patro, D Ratna Babu and A Rajani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
10 Growth Parameters of Direct Sown Rice as Influenced by Different Weed Management Practices B Jyothi Basu, P V N Prasad, V R K Murthy, Y Ashoka Rani and P R K Prasad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
11 Panoramic Over View of Advancements in the Arena of Detection and Management of Basal Stem Rot of Oil palm caused by Ganoderma sp. M Amrutha Lakshmi, K Suresh, B R Ajesh, S Keerthana Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India