S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Forecasting Models for Red gram Area, Production and Productivity in Karnataka K Sesha Sai, K N Sreenivasulu, V Srinivasa Rao and V Sitarambabu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 A Study on Different Constraints in Red Chilli Value Chain and Suggestions Janga Allaiah, K S R Paul, V Sitarambabu and K N Sreenivasulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Spatial Fertilizer Recommendation at Rythu Bharosa Kendra (RBK) level using Geographic Information System M Indhuja, M Madhan Mohan, M Sunil Kumar and M Sreenivasa Chari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Effect of Nutrient management on Seed yield and Oil yield of Mesta K Bhavana Varma, T Sreelatha, A Sireesha and M Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Effect of Crop Residue Incorporation and Potassium Releasing Bacteria (KRB) on Potassium Fractions and Yield of Maize (Zea Mays L.) PSravan Goud, I Usha Rani, TVenkata Sridhar andK Chandrasekhar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Effect of Biofertilizers in Combination with Inorganic Phosphorus on Yield and Yield Attributes of Sorghum G Anil Kumar, P Mohana Rao, A J Suvarnalatha and K N Sreenivasulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Effect of Foliar Application of Nutrients and Growth Regulators on Physiological Traits under Water stress in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn) V Sowmya Chowdary, G Vijaya Kumar, S Ratna Kumari and D Ramesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Bioassay of Actinomycetes Isolates against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera Frugiperda (J.E. Smith) B Reddy Lakshmi, B Ratna Kumari, S R Koteswara Rao, S Gopalakrishnan and V Srinivas Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Variability of Corynespora cassiicola Isolates Infecting Blackgram D Prasanth kumar, S L Bhattiprolu, G Bindu Madhavi and Ch Chiranjeevi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 In Vitro Evaluation of Rhizobacterial Strains from Groundnut on Growth of Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Flavus D Bhanu Swaroopa, Hari Kishan Sudini, V Manoj Kumar and D V Sai Ram Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Identification of Resistant Sources of Different Cultivars of Castor Against Macrophomina Phaseolina Deevi Indraja, M Santha Lakshmi Prasad, V Prasanna Kumari, C Sandhya Rani, T Manjunatha and K Aravind Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Genetic Divergence for Yield and its Components in Gall midge Resistant Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) U Likhita, K Madhu Kumar, T Harita and P Udaya Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india