S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Studies on Impact of Different Seed Rates and Spacings against Insect Pests in Direct Seeded Rice Sk Reshma, R Bala Muralidhar Naik, CSandhya Rani and ChVaraprasada Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Relative Susceptibility of Chickpea Genotypes against Pulse Beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) P Chaithanya, TMadhumathi, Ch Chiranjeevi, SKrishnamRaju,KNSreenivasulu and T Srinivas Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Screening of Rice Genotypes for their Reaction to Resistance against Brown Planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) BAnusha, C Sandhya Rani,MNandaKishore, VBhuvaneswari, VSrinivasa Rao and P VRamana Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Performance Evaluation and Standardisation of Hexacopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ANGRAU – Pushpak) Spraying in Managing Leafhoppers in Cotton A Sambaiah,GDiana Grace, ChMadhuri,K Purna Chandra Rao and N Venkata Lakshmi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Occurrence and Distribution of Chickpea Rust (Uromyces ciceris-arietini ) in Major Chickpea growing Regions of Andhra Pradesh. MSudheerKumar,B HChaithanya,KVenkataramanamma, JManjunath VJayalakshmi and PAnilKumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Effect of Mineral Nutrition and Abiotic Stress on Rice Stem Rot caused by Sclerotium oryzae Catt. PRamanjineyulu, DKrishnaveni,S Suresh Rao andGS Jasudasu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Survey on Incidence of Bud Necrosis Disease on Watermelon in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh T Rajasekharam andMS Patil Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Molecular Characterization and Diagnostics for Effective Management of Phytoplasma and Viral Diseases in Sugarcane GVamsiKrishna, VManojKumar, PKishoreVarma, B Bhavani, GVijayaKumarand VPrasannaKumari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Studies on Mycoflora Associatedwith Jute Seeds APoorneswari Devi,VPrasannaKumari, PAnilKumarand B RatnaKumari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Resistant Source Identification in Finger Millet under Natural Field conditions against Blast incited by Pyricularia grisea (Cke.) Sacc. TS SK Patro, SkAbdul Salam,NAnuradha,YSandhya Rani,UTriveni andDSabinaMary Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Phenotypic Characterization of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes Based on Shoot and Root Mass Indices Using Temperature Induction Response (TIR) Approach Anurag Mathew,MLalAhamed,MRaghavendra,K Kiran Prakash and J Pasupuleti Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Genetic Variability and Trait Association Studies in F2 Population of Cross BPT-5204 x JAK-686-1 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) V Bharali, AK Jukanti, Y Suneetha, A Fiyaz, V Srinivasa Rao and T Srinivas Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india