S.NO | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Awareness of Tomato Farmers on Plant Protection in Prakasam District of Andhra Pradesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
2 | Compatibility and Bio-efficacy of Certain Insecticides in Combination with Zinc against Yellow Stem Borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) in Rice Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
3 | Insecticide Usage Pattern on Rice Crop in Godavari Delta of Andhra Pradesh Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
4 | Standardization of Concentration and Duration of Seed Priming with Zinc Sulphate for Enhancing Germination and Seedling Growth of Blackgram Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
5 | In vitroEvaluation of Fungicides, Bio-control Agents and Botanicals against Major Seed Borne Fungus, Alternariasesami Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
6 | Genetic Variability Studies Among Yield and Yield Component Traits in Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
7 | Effect of Biofertilizer Consortium along with Recommended dose of Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Rice Fallow Sorghum Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
8 | Silicon as Fertilizing Agent Improves Climate Resilience in Rice Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
9 | Achieving India’s Export Potential of Rubber Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
10 | Dry Matter Accumulation in Different Growth Stages of Maize (Zea Mays (L.)) Hybrids in Relation to Growing Degree Days Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
11 | Yield and Economic Advantage of Groundnut – Millets Intercropping System Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |
12 | Situational Analysis of School Environment and Academic Achievement of Selected Ashram Schools in Tribal Areas of Visakhapatnam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF | India |