S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Drymatter Production, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Bt Cotton Grown in Inceptisols, Alfisols and Vertisols in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh S Satish, M V S Naidu and K Sreenivasulu R Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Effect of Dairy Factory Effluent on Soil Enzymes in Greengram and Pearlmillet Crops G Sashi Kala, M V S Naidu and K Sreenivasulu Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Effect of Integrated Use of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients and Biofertilizers on Soil Physical and Physico- Chemical Properties in Maize – Onion Cropping System P Venkata Subbaiah, A Sairam and P Chandra Sekhara Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Study of Soil Characteristics Modified by Physiography in Hanumankoppa Micro-watershed Under Northern Transitional Zone of Karnataka M Madhan Mohan, G S Dasog, G Mrudula and M Vijay Sankar Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Optimization of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate for High Cane and Sugar Yield of Sweet Sorghum in Sandy Loam Soils K V Naga Madhuri, M Subba Rao and L Madhavi Latha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Multivariate Analysis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) K Meena Kumari, K V Seetharamaiah, V Satyanarayana Rao and B Sreekanth Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Combining Ability Estimates for Yield and Fibre Quality Traits in Line X Tester Crosses of Intra-Hirsutum Hybrids of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) N Vineela, J S V Samba Murthy, P V Rama Kumar and S Ratna Kumari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Genetic Diversity Studies on Quality Characters in Long Duration Genotypes of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Tushara M, Satyanarayana Rao V, Lal Ahamed M, Krishna Veni B and Narasimha Rao K L Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Selection Indices for Yield and Yield Attributes in Wild Crosses of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) Ch Sreelakshmi, D Shivani and C V Sameer Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Molecular Genetic Diversity Analysis of Quality Protein Maize lines using SSR markers M S R Krishna, S Sokka Reddy, Ch V Durga Rani, T Dayakar Reddy and Farzana Jabeen Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Influence of Planting Pattern and Weed Management Practices on Yield Attributes and Yield of Sunflower C Nagamani, S M Muneendra Naidu, G Rama Rao and D Subramanyam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Yield, Yield Attributes and Economics of Chickpea as Influenced By Varieties and Phosphorus Levels Srinivasa Rao R, Pratap Kumar Reddy A and Sailaja V Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india