S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Sensitivity of Trichoderma Isolates to Selected Fungicides in vitro Ranganathswamy M, Patibanda A K, Krishna Murthy K V M and Prasuna Rani P Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Host range and Host Age on Susceptibility and Survival of Colletotrichum Dematium Causing Blight of Chickpea (Cicer arietenum L.) Varaprasada Rao Ch and Narayana Y D Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Impact of Open Sub Surface Drainage on Reclamation of Waterlogged and Salt Affected Soils G Kishore Babu, S Ramesh Chandra, and Y Radha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Response of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to Applied Phosphorus in Black Cotton Soils A Lalitha Kumari, K Veeraiah and V Rajeswari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Organic Carbon and Macronutrient Status in the Cotton Growing Soils in Different Mandals of Guntur Division Debiprasad Senapati, K Veeraiah, G V Lakshmi and K Srinivasulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Physico-chemical Properties and Major Nutrient Status in Some Soils of Krishna Eastern Delta, Andhra Pradesh D Srinivas, P R K Prasad, G Subba Rao and T V Satyanarayana Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Influence of Sewage Sludge, Urban Compost and FYM on Yield, Available Major Nutrient Status and Enzyme Activities of Soil in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) P Kavitha, K Jeevan Rao and G Bhupal Raj Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Growth and Yield Influenced by INM in rabi Castor Grown on Vertic Ustochrepts of South Gujarat H M Patel, T U Patel, H H Patel, P S Patel and D D Patel Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Selection Indices at Three Stages of Selection in Sugarcane M Charumathi, N V Naidu, K Hari Prasad Reddy, V Raja Rajeswari and G V Nageswara Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 General Selection Indices in Italian millet [Setaria italica (L.) Beauv] P Lakshmi Prasanna, J S V Samba Murthy, P V Rama Kumar and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Genetic Variability for Yield, Yield Components and Physico- Chemical Characteristics in Rice Genotypes K Meena Kumari, K V Seetha Ramaiah, V Satyanarayana Rao and B Sreekanth Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Genetic Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributes in Safflower D Shivani, Ch Sreelakshmi and C V Sameer Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india