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Archives for 2011 – Page 5 – THE ANDHRA AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL (AAJ)
S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Field Reaction of Certain Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) Genotypes to Gram Pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) S Malathi and S Vanisree Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Effect of Organic Manures on Soil properties in Saline Soil with Sub-Surface Drainage System S Balaji Nayak, V Sankara Rao and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in F3 Generation of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) J N V V Manohar Krishna, M Lal Ahamed, B Vijaya Lakshmi, K V Seetha Ramaiah and G L N Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Identification of Elite Genotypes of Blackgram (Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper) Amit Kumar Malviya, G Roopa Lavanya, Anshu Singh and V Priyadarshini Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Reproductive Biology of Lotus J S Minimol and K T Presannakumari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Correlation and Path Analysis of Yield and Quality Attributes in Rice P Siva Parvathi, V Satyanarayana Rao, Lal Ahamed M and P Anil Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Genetic Estimates, Association and Path Co-efficient Analysis in Blackgram (Vigna mungo.(L.)Hepper) D Kodanda Rami Reddy, O Venkateswarlu, M C Obaiah and G L Siva Jyothi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Comparision of Different Stability Parameters in Italian Millet G Usha Kiran, C Panduranga Rao, J S V Samba Murthy, V Srinivasa Rao and M Lal Ahamad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Genetic Diversity in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) V Jayalakshmi, G Rufus Ronald and C Kiran Kumar Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Character Association and Path Coefficient Analysis in Baby Corn (Zea mays L.) J Arvind Kumar, K Murali Krishna, K Radhika and R Sai Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Genetic Variability and Character Association Studies in Introgressed lines of Gossypium hirsutum N Chamundeswari and J S V Samba Murthy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Growth, Yield, Nutrient Availability and Uptake of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) as Influenced by Varieties and Phosphorus Levels R Srinivasa Rao, A Pratap Kumar Reddy and V Sailaja Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india