S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Management of Stem Rot and Late Leaf Spot Groundnut using Methylotrophic Bacteria under Field Conditions Sushitha, V Manoj Kumar, P Anil Kumar and D V Sai Ram Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
2 Influence of Silicon on Alleviation of Salinity Effect in Rice K Anny Mrudhula and Y Sudha Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
3 Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh P Venkata Subbaiah, M V S Naidu Y Radha Krishna and M J Kaledhonkar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
4 Assessment of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for yield and Quality Attributes in Grain Sorghum S Kavitha, B Vijayalakshmi, V Satyanarayana Rao and D Sandeep Raja Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
5 Study of Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Elite Inbred Germplasm of Maize (Zea mays L.) S Mallikarjuna, V Roja, I Sudhir Kumar and Sk Nafeez Umar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
6 Genetic Divergence in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for Yield and Yield Components Sk Dada Azmi, B Govinda Rao, D P B Jyothula, K V Siva Reddy and Sk Nafeez Umar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
7 Performance of olitorius Jute at Varied plant Density and Topping in Coastal Andhra Pradesh J Rakesh, M Sree Rekha, K Mosha and Ch Sujani Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
8 Effect of Crop Geometry and Nutrient Management Practices on Yield and Yield Attributing Traits of Finger Millet A Aliveni, B Venkateswarlu, M Sree Rekha, P R K Prasad and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
9 Targeted Yield Based Fertilizer Doses under Integrated Nutrient Management in Rice D Mounika, M Martin Luther, K Chandra Sekhar, G Kishore Babu and K Jaya Lalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
10 Growing of Intercrops in Cashew Based Cropping System under Coastal Sandy Soils of Andhra Pradesh K Umamaheswara Rao, K T Venkata Ramana, K M Yuva Raj, B Vimala and B Nagendra Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
11 Rejuvenation of Soil Properties with use of Zeolite Dr. K. Jeevan Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
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