S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Extent of Losses in Maize Storage due to Infestation by Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) K Veda Parimala and T Umamaheswari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Screening of Rice Germplasm for Resistance to Rice Leaf Folder Under Natural Field Conditions N Kamakshi, P Rajasekhar, G Ramachandra Rao and P Anil Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Evaluation of Mungbean Varieties Against Legume Pod Borer Incidence, Yellow Mosaic and Powdery Mildew Diseases Under Rice Fallows S V S Gopalaswamy, M V Ramana and Y Radha Krishna Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Efficacy of Plant Extracts Against Alternaria Leaf Blight (Alternaria helianthi) of Sunflower M Santha Lakshmi Prasad, N Naresh and K Sujatha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Assessment of Soil Quality in Paddy-Sugarcane Cultivated Areas of West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh Ch Kirankumar and G V Lakshmi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Oil Content, Yield Attributes and Drymatter Production of Soybean as Influenced by INM in Soybean-Maize Cropping System R Uma Reddy and S Narender Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Improving Productivity and Soil Properties in Rice Based Cropping Systems Through Pre-kharif Green Manuring K Surekha, Y S Satish Kumar, N Sailaja and P C Latha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Effect of Integrated Use of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients and Biofertilizers on Soil Available Nutrients in Maize – Onion Cropping System P Venkata Subbaiah, A Sairam, P C Rao and M V S Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Mobility of Adsorbed Zinc in Sandy Loam and Clay Loam Soils as Influenced by Alkylbenzene Sulphonate Surfactant B Sathyanarayana and B Narasimhulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Correlation and Path Analysis for Morpho-physiological Traits in American Cotton T Haritha, Lal Ahamed M, V Satyanarayana Rao, Y Ashoka Rani and D Ratna Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Studies on Heterosis and Combining Ability of Bacterial Leaf Blight Donors in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Adilakshmi D, Satyanarayana P V and Vijaya Lakshmi B Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Molecular Diversity Among Selected Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes I: RAPD Analysis R Narasimhulu, P V Kenchanagoudar and M V C Gowda Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india