S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Influence of planting windows on growth and yield of rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) D Manikanta, V R K Murthy, P V N Prasad and Y Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Growth and yield of clusterbean as influenced by fertilizer application in arid region of Andhra Pradesh C Radha Kumari and B Sahadeva Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Irrigation and foliar nutrition effects on water productivity and economics of blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) K Vijaya Lakshmi, S Prathibha Sree, N Venkata Lakshmi, P Madhu Vani and K Chandrasekhar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Performance of cotton under high density planting with varied spacing and levels of nitrogen B Devi, S Bharathi, M Sree Rekha and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Bioefficacy of post-emergence herbicides in pearlmillet (Pennisetum typhoides) P Lakshmi Thanmai, K Srinivasulu, P V N Prasad and P Ravindra Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Efficacy of certain Herbicidal combinations in Rabi Blackgram Shaik Razia, B Pramila Rani, M Sree Rekha and N Trimurthulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Thermal requirements of Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) under different growing environments in coastal A.P P Gayathree Devi, M Sree Rekha, P V N Prasad and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 High density planting cotton variety ‘Suraj’ response to harvest-aid defoliants K Mrunalini, M Sree Rekha, V R K Murthy and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 N up take and available soil N of maize-chickpea sequence as influenced by sowing time and nitrogen management M Ratnam, B Venkateswarlu, E Narayana, T C M Naidu and A Lalitha Kumari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Effect of Pre and Post Emergence Herbicide Molecules on Weed Control Efficiency and their Phytotoxicity on Maize (Zea mays L.) A Subba Ramireddy, A S Rao, G Subba Rao, T C M Naidu, A Lalitha Kumari and N Trimurthulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india