S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Character Association for Yield and Yield Attributes in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L. Moench.) D Pedda Swamy, B Narendra, V Jayalakshmi, D Bharathi and P Umamaheswari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Study of Heterosis in Aromatic Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) for Quality Characters Rajendar Reddy M, Surendar Raju Ch, Narender Reddy S, , Sravani D Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Studies in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Geartn.) Ravikanth Bendi and NDRK Sarma Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.) Advanced Lines S Venkata Naresh, B Govinda Rao, M Lal Ahmad and K L Narasimha Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Assessment of Genetic Diversity for Yield Components and Quality Parameters in Rice (Oryza sativa.L.) B Krishna Veni, J V Ramana and B Vijaya Lakshmi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Effect of Various Treatments on Seed Germination and Dormancy Breaking in Sesamum mulayanum Sravani D, Lakshmiprasanna K, Rajendar Reddy M, Anuradha G Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Multivariate Analyses and Genetic Divergence in Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp.). R Suresh, B Govinda Rao, M Lal Ahmad and K L Narasimha Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Characterization of Mini Core Collection of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) for Morphological Traits G Yugandhar, M V C Gowda, R L Ravi kumar, H L Nadaf, R K Patil and S S Adiver Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Multivariate Analyses of Genetic Divergence Based on Metric and Physiological Traits in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.). Bhanu Prakash N, B Govinda Rao, V Satyanarayana Rao and Y Asoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 K Nagaraju, B Narendra, C V Chandra Mohan Reddy and E SV Narayana Rao J Suresh, R Saikumar and V Radhakrishna Murthy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Variability and Genetic Parameter Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributing Characters in Maize (Zea mays L.) K Nagaraju, B Narendra, C V Chandra Mohan Reddy and E SV Narayana Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Response of Drum Seeded Rice to Different Pre – and Post-Emergence Herbicides R Naseeruddin, D Subramanyam and Y Reddi Ramu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india