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Archives for 2015 – Page 16 – THE ANDHRA AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL (AAJ)
S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Response of Gram (Cicer arietinum L.) to Irrigation Schedules and Sulphur Levels D V Srinivasulu, R M Solanki and M Bhanuprakash Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Statistical Analysis of Weekly Rainfall of 25 years (1986-2010) using Markov Chain Probability Model for Agricultural Planning in Southern Telangana Zone of Andhra Pradesh Balamani K, Suneetha Devi K B, Ramani T V and Krishnaveni Y Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Integrated Nutrient Management in Pongamia + Castor Agrisilvi System S Hemalatha, K Indudhar Reddy, G Jayasree and B Joseph Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Production Potential of Advanced bidi Tobacco Lines under Different Levels of Nitrogen and Topping S Jaffar Basha, J Manjunath and P Munirathnam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 K Sindhu, T Gopi Krishna, P Rambabu and G Raghunadha Reddy K Bhanu Rekha, M Srilatha, T Krishna Mohan and S H K Sharma Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india