S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Studies on Different Provenances on Sunflower (Morden) Seed Quality K Bayyapu Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Phenotypic Stability Analysis in Italian Millet Utilizing Regression and AMMI Models for Yield Characters G Usha Kiran, C Panduranga Rao, J S V Samba Murthy, V Srinivasa Rao and M Lal Ahamed Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) B Rajanna, J S V Samba Murthy, M Lal Ahamed and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Genetic Analysis for Grain Quality Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) D Adilakshmi and P Raghava Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Genetic Divergence in Upland Cotton D Krishna Kishore, M Gopinath, V Satyanarayana Rao and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Influence of Rice-Zero Tillage Maize System on Productivity and Soil Fertility Status B Mukundam, S Srividya and V Raja Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Bio-efficacy of Quizalofop Ethyl on Echinochloa colona Control in Rice-Fallow Blackgram A S Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 On Farm Evaluation of Post Emergence Herbicides for Control of Echinochloa spp. in Rice Fallow Blackgram (Vigna radiata L) E Venkateswarlu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Effect of Tillage and Herbicide Use on Weed Management in Maize (Zea mays. L) S Srividya, K Chandrasekhar and R Veeraraghavaiah Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Profile Characteristics Of Un-Reached Farmers P V Satya Gopal Pochaiah Maraty B Vijayabhinandana Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Yield and Grain Quality Characters in Rice P Siva Parvathi V Satyanarayana Rao M Lal Ahamed P Anil Kumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Genetic Divergence Studiesin Blackgram D Kodanda Rami Reddy O Venkateswarlu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india