S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Differential Sensitivity of Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butler& Bisby isolates to mancozeb S Krishnam Raju and D Rajaram Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Proline and Total Protein Status as an Indication of Salinity Tolerance in Rice M Balakrishna, Y M Shukla Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Studies on the Efficacy of Certain New Insecticides on the Major Insect Pests and their Effect on Natural Predators in Pigeon Pea Ecosystem A Ramachandra, T Madhumathi, P Arjuna Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Effect of Certain Plant Oils on the Viability and persistent Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var, kurstaki Kurstak against Spodoptera litura (Fab.) G Rajesh Babu, P V Krishnayya, P Arjuna Rao and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Comparative efficacy of selected insecticides against Jassids on Brinjal M Anuradha and P Arjuna Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Comparison of Crop water requirement with actual water applied in Kalipatnam Extension Channel Command of Godavari Western Delta P Sreedevi, R Ganesh Babu, R A Raju and Ch Sreenivas Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Preparation of Leaching Curves for Soils of drainage pilot area, Kalipatnam, West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh : Laboratory Column Study Ch Sreenivas, Ch Konda Reddy and R A Raju Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Effect of Phorate on Phosphomonoesterase Activity in Red and Black Soils using Cowpea as a Test Crop D Srinivas and Saroja Raman Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Inter-relationships among Yield Contributing Characters in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) N Sabitha, K Prasada Rao, C Panduranga Rao and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Cytoplasmic Heterosis of Yield and Yield Components in Rice Hybrids Ch V Durga Rani and S C Kundu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Principal Component and Cluster analysis in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) U Lakshmi Annapurna, S Srimannarayana Murthy, C Panduranga Rao and R Srinivasulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Phenotypic Stability Analysis in Sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) utilizing Regression and AMMI models P Sumalatha, P V Rama Kumar, C Panduranga Rao and R Srinivasulu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india