S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Effect of Phosphorus Management Practices on Nutrient Uptake, Soil Fertility Status and Economics of Pearl millet in Pearl millet-Pulse Sequence A. Sowjanya, Ch. Pulla Rao, K. Mosha, Ch. Sujani Rao and Y. Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
2 Effect of Crop Geometry and Levels of Nitrogen on Nutrient Uptake and Fibre Quality of Compact Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) under Rainfed Vertisols B B Nayak, S Bharathi, M Sree Rekha and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
3 Response of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) to Nitrogen Levels and Plant Geometry Mandakranta Chakraborty, M Martin Luther Ch Pulla Rao and Ch Sujani Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
4 Growth and yield of Chickpea in Vertisols of Krishna Zone of Andhra Pradesh A Suryakala, V R K Murthy, M Sree Rekha and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
5 Study of Pearl millet under Different Spacings and Staggered Sowing in Coastal Agro-Ecosystem of Bapatla B Swathi, V R K Murthy, M SreeRekha and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
6 Performance of Foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.)] at Various Nitrogen Levels G Ravindranadh, M Sree Rekha, B Venkateswarlu and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
7 Optimization of Seed Rate and Foliar Nutrition for Seed Crop of Dhaincha V Naga Lakshmi, A Upendra Rao, A V Ramana and J Jagannadam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
8 Invited Article – Food Technology for Food, Nutrition, Heath and Livelihood Security Prof. (Mrs.) Vijayakhader Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
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