S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Efficacy of New Post Emergence Herbicides in Rabi Maize (Zea Mays .L) A Chandrakanth, B Pramila Rani, M Sree Rekha and P Madhu Vani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
2 Growth and Yield of Maize affected by Irrigation Schedules and Fertigation Levels under Drip Irrigation K Hamika, K Chandrasekhar, N Venkata Lakshmi, G V Lakshmi and S Prathibha Sree Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
3 Effect of Nutrition and Moisture Conservation Practices on Growth, Yield Attributes and Yield of Rainfed Bt Cotton S Ganapathi, S Bharathi, M Sree Rekha and K Jayalalitha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
4 Productivity of Rabi Maize (Zea mays L.) as Influenced by Water Management Practices N Ramya, N V Lakshmi, K Chandrasekhar, K L Narasimha Rao and S Prathibha Sree Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
5 Yield and Quality Parameters of Summer Fodder Sorghum as Influenced by Time of Sowing and Varieties K Sai Maheswari, T Prathima, D Subramanyam and P Latha Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
6 Performance of Rice Crop as Influenced by Green Manures and Phosphorus Levels K Anny Mrudhula, Ch Pulla Rao, B Venkateswarlu, and Y Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India
7 Inclusive Growth in Indian Agriculture – Issues and Needed Policies Dr. C. Ramasamy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF India