S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Response of Popcorn (Zea mays everta) to Different Fertilizer Levels and Plant Densities in Kharif Season” B Jyothi Basu, P Venkata Rao, S Kiran Kumar and B V S Kiran Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Studies on the Effect of Plant Density, Type of Cutting and Method of Planting on Root to Shoot ratio of Medicinal Coleus [Coleus forskohlii (willd) Briq.] Ch Chandrasekhar Rao, R Chandrasekhar and M Rajkumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Soil available Nutrient Status as Influenced by Various Organics and Inorganic Fertilizers in Maize – Maize Cropping system A V Nagavani and P Subbian Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Economic Impact Analysis of Agrometeorological Advisory Services Issued Through Agromet Advisory Services Project For Farmers of Southern Zone of Andhra Pradesh T Prathima, A Muneendrababu, T Muralikrishna and K Devaki Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Influence of Nitrogen Management Practices with Glyricidia Leaf Manure on Yield and Nutrient uptake of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) N Venkata Lakshmi, R Veeraraghavaiah, G Subbaiah, Y Ashoka Rani and P Ravindra Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Response of Zero Tillage Maize to Sub Surface Drip Fertigation V Prasada Rao, B Venkateswarlu, A S Rao, Balkrishna Yadav, K L N Rao and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Influence of Plant Population and Varieties on Growth and yield of Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonaloba ) in Vertisols of A. P E Narayana, G Subba rao and E Venkateswarlu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Response of Direct Seeded Rainfed Low Land Rice to Organics and Zinc Application M Jayasankar, N Venkata Lakshmi, B Venkateswarlu, P Ratna Prasad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Nutrient Management in Zero Till Maize for North Coastal Zone of A P S Sravanthi, A V Ramana, K V Ramana Murthy and J Jagannadam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture Dr. Mannava Sivakumar Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india