S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Combining Ability Analysis of Yield and Yield Attributes in Kabuli Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) N Jagadish, V Jayalakshmi, B Narendra and P Umamaheshwari Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Variability, Character Association and Path coefficient Analysis for Physiological traits in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Adilakshmi D, Jayarami Reddy P, Ankaiah R and Raghava Reddy P Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Efficacy of Orthosulfamuron Against Weeds in Transplanted Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) D Maheswari Mattaparthi, A S Rao, B Venkateswarlu and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Effect of Manures and Biopesticides on Growth, Yield and Fibre Quality of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) E Aruna P Radhika and B Sahadeva Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Manures and Zinc Supplementation Effects in Rice (Oryza sativa L.,) – Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) Sequence at Different Nitrogen Levels S Prathibha Sree, R Veera Raghavaiah, G Subbaiah, Y Ashoka Rani and V Sreenivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Nutraceutical Verification of Zinc and Iron Nutrition in Corn (Zea Mays L.) Through Agronomic Approach Y Reddi Ramu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices on Soil Fertility and Production Potential of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) A V Nagavani and P Subbian Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Studies on Yield Attributes and Yield of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by Rabi Legumes and Nitrogen M Sree Rekha, G Subbaiah, R Veeraraghavaiah, Y Ashoka Rani and P Prasuna Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Studies on the Effect of Green Manure in-situ Incorporation on Growth and Yield of kharif Maize (Zea mays L.) Ghous Ali , Ch Pulla Rao, A S Rao and Y Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Climate Change- Weather Health Indices As Tools and Services in Agriculture Dr. V. Radha Krishna Murthy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india