S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Growth and Yield of Rice Fallow Sorghum as Influenced by Planting Density and Nitrogen H Arunakumari, P V N Prasad, B Venkateswarlu, P R K Prasad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Effect of N, P and K Application on Growth and Yield of Machine Transplanted Rice G Lakshmi Bhavani, Ch Pulla Rao, M Srinivas and P R K Prasad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Influence of Weed Control Practices on Weed Growth and Productivity of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. saccharata) G Uma maheswari, E Venkateswarulu, K Srinivasulu, P Ravindra babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Influence of Levels of Nitrogen and Foliar Nutrition on Growth and Yield of Machine Transplanted rice V Jyothi Swaroopa, M Bharatha Lakshmi, B Venkateswarlu and CH Sreenivas Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Optimization of Sowing Window in Mesta for Seed Production P Pushpa, A V Ramana, Ch Pulla rao and G Rama rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Biofertilizer Management on Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br.] * Neeraj Yadav , Ch Pulla Rao, M Martin Luther and Y Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Production Potential and Economics of Aerobic Rice-based Cropping Systems in Southern Agroclimatic Zone of Andhra Pradesh P Aruna, D Srinivasulu Reddy, NSunitha and V Sumathi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Glories of Indian Agriculture and the Challenges-A perspective Analysis Shaik Mohammad Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 A Note on Flower Development in Garland Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium L.) A V D Dorajeerao M Sattiraju AN Mokashi Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Improving Livelihoods of Women in Tribal Communities Through Backyard Poultry A Srinivas K Dhana Sree V Govardhan Rao V Jyothi Swarana Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Effect of Sowing dates on Growth and Seed Yield of Chickpea in Nandyal zone P Umamaheswari P Muniratnam Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Npk Rate Effects on Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn. Nilesh Panchbhai K Mosha Ch Pulla Rao Y Ashoka Rani Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india