S.NO Title and Authors Name Country
1 Rainfed Farming – An Economic Analysis M Shireesha, T V Neelakanta Sastry, I Bhavani Devi and G Mohan Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
2 Marketing Efficiency of Different Market Channels For Brinjal in Odisha Chinmayee Nayak, D V S Rao, Y Radha, B Vijayabhinandana and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
3 Optimization of Process Parameters for Palmyrah Jaggery Production D Ravindra Babu, M Madhava, P C Vengaiah and B Hari Babu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
4 Laboratory Model of Automation in Agricultural Drainage D Sai gangadhara Rao, A Rama Rao, Ch Murali Krishna and M Surya Kiran Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
5 Field Screening of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Germplasm for Desirable Traits by the Use of Augumented Design R Rajya lakshmi, K Purushotham, S S Vijaya Padma and L Naram Naidu Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
6 Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Cut Flower Anthurium C Chandrasekhara Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
7 Rapid Chemical tests for Identification and Grouping of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes P S Rao, M Bharathi and K Bayyapu Reddy Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
8 Feeding Capacity of Adults and Grubs of Different Morphotypes of Cheilomenes sexmaculata Fab. Lalithmabika K R, P Rajendra Prasad and K Manjula Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
9 Determination of Mechanism of Insecticide Resistance Through Enzyme Estimation in Tobacco Caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fab) in Cotton I Aruna Sri, T Madhumathi, P Arjuna Rao, M Subba Rao and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
10 Efficacy of Different Insecticides Against Spotted Pod Borer, Maruca Vitrata (Geyer) in Rice Fallow Blackgram G Durga Rao, M Nagesh, M SV Chalam and V Srinivasa Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
11 Reaction of different Bidi Tobacco genotypes against Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Northern Karnataka B Siva Prasad, S Jahgirdar, A S Byadgi and S Kulakarni Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india
12 Effect of Irrigation Methods and Fertigation on Yield and Quality of Tomato Ch Sujani Rao, M S Reddy, G Padmaja, A Manohar Rao Abstract DOWNLOAD PDF india